Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 3/31/23

Year: 2023

Supporting projects on boron research and applications, Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mining Research Authority (TENMAK) Boron Research Institute is pleased to offer its readers a principled and respected service by publishing the Boron Journal, offered to the scientific world. The journal, which is the first and only journal in the world of science where scientific studies, original research and technical applications on boron take place, aims to publish scientific studies on boron in national and international levels, and share current technologies, original techniques and approaches.

TENMAK Boron Research Institute, believing that studies on boron will bring great benefits to humanity, is excited to meet with boron researchers, technocrats, industrialists and users under the roof of Boron Journal in order to ensure the coordination of boron researchers and to deliver the results of R&D to the correct audience with easy and fast techniques. The journal covers the fields of boron science, boron technology, boron chemicals and boron applications, and focuses on boron, an innovative element that provides interdisciplinary research in a wide range of fields ranging from science, engineering, medicine, energy, pharmacy, agriculture, defense industry, mining, chemistry, and aerospace industries.


An atricle is composed of 5 individual forms which are cover page, article checklist form, article manuscript, copyright transfer form and plagiarism score file. Contact information (address, e-mail address and phone number) of the corresponding author must be given in cover letter.

A cover page must be prepared and submitted to journal’s webpage as an individual file. Author information will be visibe only to journal editors during initial application.

Title of the article must start with a capital letter and centered to the page. The title must be brief, clear and appropriate for the manuscript. Name, surname, e-mail, affiliation, postal code, city and ORCID number of author(s) must be given below the title.

Title of the article in English: An inclusive and understandable title must be used. The title must start with a capital letter and the rest must be lowercase. The title must be no longer than 15 words including required standard abbreviations.

Title of the article in Turkish: Must be in concorcance with the Turkish title.

Author Names and Address Information: Authors’ names and surnames must start with a capital letter. Author names are followed by the institution where the author is affiliated. Uppercase numbers must be used in order to relate the author to the institution. Corresonding author must be denoted with the asterisk sign “ * ”, after their surname. Address information must include institution, city, postal code and country name. E-mail address must be added after the adddress line for all authors, according to author order.

Abstract: Topic of the article must be summarized without citing the article. An abstrat must not exceed 220 words. Non-standard abbreviations must be explained when used for the first time.

Keywords: Must be placed after abstract. Maximum 5 words must be given with alphabetical order. Keywords must be chosen from explanatory words about the topic. Every keyword must be separated from each other with “ , ”. Keywords must not include full sentences.

Abstract in English: Must be formed by translating the text in abstract. If decimal are used, " , " must be used for Turkish abstract and " . " must be used for English numbers.

Keywords in English: Must be placed after Abstract in English. Must be in concordance with Turkish keywords. Maximum of 5 words must be written with the alphabetical order, about the topic.

It is the form that shows approval of the article manuscript to the journal’s writing rules. Article Checklist Form must be filled before submission. Article Checklist Form must be given as the first page of the monuscript. Applications that are not in accordance with the journal’s format or submitted without Article Checklist Form will not be evaluated.

Article Manuscript must be placed after Article Checklist Form. Article manuscript must be prepared by considering details given below.

- Article manuscript must be prepared with Times New Roman font and 12 font size by using Microsoft Office Word 2010 or later version word processor. Misspelings and grammatical errors must be checked and corrected by using Microsoft Office Word’s proofing errors section.
- Article manuscript mus be prepared in A4 size page with 2.5 cm margins from each side, as a single column.
- Page order must not be changed when aricle is rewieved.
- Line and paragraph spacing must be set to 1.5 and there must be 1 line space between paragraphs. There must be no automatic line spacing before and after paragraphs.
- There must be no page breaks between pages and whole manuscript must consist of a single section.
- In case the article is in Turkish, translation of all headings must be given in parantheses.
- The manuscript must not exceed 14,000 words for research articles and 22,000 for review articles including references.
- Tables and figures must be prepared according to the journal’s requirements.
- The manuscript must be divided into main sections and each section must be numbered. Numbering must start from 1 and go on for all main sections (Except for Abstract, Acknowledgements, References and Appendices sections). Secondary headings must be numbered as 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., etc. in concordance with main headings. Tertiarty headings must be numbered as 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3., etc. in concordance with secondary headings.

Manuscript format sample is given below:

Cover page
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
5. Symbols

1. Introduction
Must include detailed literature review, purpose and hypothesis of the conducted study. Contribution of a reference must be examined and placed individually in the manuscript, must not be given collectively.

2. Materials and methods
If the manuscript is for a research article, experimental methods must be explained in an understandible and detailed manner. Theoretical approach must be explained in detail, if a theoretical study was conducted. If the method that was used is already published, related source must be cited and differences must be pointed.

3. Results and discussion
Obtained data must be presented clearly. Data interpretation and literature comparison must be done.

4. Conclusions
Main conclusions of the conducted study must be given birefly.

5. Symbols
Symbols that are used in the manuscript must be given with an alphabeticl order. Other symbols can be given after the alphabetical order. Greek letters and subscripts can be used, if required.

Acknowledgements is given after the manuscript and before the references.

- DOI or ISBN numbers of published sources must be given.
- Webpages (URL) must not be used as a reference. They can be used only in manuscript after data.
- References must be numbered with the same order as mentioned in the manuscript.
- References must be prepared according to “APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition” rules.
- References must be prepared in English. English translation of Turkish sources must be denoted with square brackets.

Sample references can be found from the URL address https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples.

- If the source is an article: Author’s Last Name, Initial of Author’s First Name. (Year). Article’s full title. Journal’s Full Title, Volume number (Issue number), Page numbers.

Uysal, İ., Yilmaz, B., Evis, & Z. (2020). Boron doped hydroxyapatites in biomedical applications. Journal of Boron, 5(4), 192-201.

- If the source is a book with author: Author’s Last Name, Initial of Author’s First Name. (Year). Book’s Name. (Volume number, Editor, if present). Publisher. ISBN or DOI number.

Yünlü, K. (2019). Bor: Bileşikleri, Sentez Yöntemleri, Özellikleri, Uygulamaları. [Boron: Its Compounds, Synthesis Methods, Properties and Applications] (2nd Ed.). Aydili Advertising Agency. ISBN 978-605-5310-93-6.

- If the source is a book with editor: Editor’s Last Name, Initial of Editor’s First Name (Eds.). (Year). Book’s Name. (Volume number). Publisher. ISBN or DOI number.

Korkmaz, M. (Eds.). (2020). Bor ve İnsan Sağlığı [Boron and Human Health]. Kuban Printing and Publishing. ISBN 978-605-9516-69-3.

- If the source is a chapter from a book: Chapter Author’s Last Name, Initial of Chapter Author’s First Name. (Year). Book’s Name. In Last Name of Chapter’s Editor, First Name of Chapter’s Editor (Eds.), Chapter’s Name (Volume nıumber if present, Pages). Publisher.

Hakkı, S., & Nielsen, F., N. (2020). Boron and Human Health., Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Microbial Potentials of Boron in Medicine and Dentistry (pp. 67-82). Nobel Academical Publishing, Education, Consultancy Ltd.

- If the source is a published thesis: Author’s Last Name, Initial of Author’s First Name. (Year). Thesis title [Thesis category, University]. Archieve that the thesis is registered (Thesis Number). Link to the thesis, if present.

Akbaba, S. (2018). Biopolymer modified polypropylene mesh for hernia treatment [M. Sc. thesis, Middle East Technical University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center (Thesis Number 527833).

- If the source is from a conference proceeding: Author’s Last Name, Initial of Author’s First Name. (Year). Name of the proceeding. Name of the Conference, Place of the Conference, Proceeding page numbers.

Akbaba, S., Atila, D., Tezcaner, T., & Tezcaner A. (2018). BİOMED2018-TR 23. Biyomedikal Bilim ve Teknoloji Sempozyumu [BIOMED2018-TR 23rd Biomedical Science and Technology Symposium], Turkey, p. 43.

Appendices in the manuscript must be named as AP A (Appendix A), AP B (Appendix B) and AP C (Appendix C) etc. Equation numbering within the appendix must be as A1, A2, A3 etc., whereas Table and Figure numbering must follow as Table A1, Table A2, Figure A1, Figure A2 etc.

Other Issues

Equation Numbers: Equations in the manuscript must be given as Eq. 1, Eq. 2. Equations must be numbered in brackets as (1), (2), (3), etc., and reaction numbers as (R1), (R2), (R3), etc.

Units: The SI unit system must be used in the text, figures and tables.

Figures and Tables:
- All images (photographs, drawings, diagrams, graphs, maps, etc.) that do not contain tables are considered as figures.
- Each table and figure must be numbered according to their transition in the text, and all tables and figures must be given right after mentioned paragraph in manuscript. It must be made sure that each table and figure was mentioned in the text.
- Table captions must be placed above the table and figure captions must be placed under the figure. Table and figure captions must also be noted in English and given in parentheses if the manuscript is in Turkish.
- Figures (photograph, drawing, diagram, graphic, map, etc.) to be added to the article must be at high resolution (300dpi or higher). Accepted image formats are jpeg, png, tiff, bmp, eps, wmf, emf or pdf. File sizes must not exceed 1 Mb.
- The sizing process must be done on the original data. Axis titles, labelling and explanations (such as text box, arrows, picture on top, etc.) must not be added with Word. The plot must be added to the Word document as a single element.
- Tables must not be added as pictures. Large tables are preferred to be fit in a single page. Handwriting must never be used in figures. Although colorized figures are acceptable, printing will be done in black-white format. Appropriate symbols must be used in order for figures to be prominent in black-white printing.

Structural Diagrams and Mathematical Equations: Mathematical equations as well as molecular structures must be drawn or written where they belong in the text and displayed on a separate line. These molecular structures or mathematical equations must be numbered on the right side and in parentheses for later referring.
MS Word Equation Editor function must be used for equations, and Insert/Symbol function in MS Word for symbols.

Copyright transfer of the articles is taken by filling and signing the form presented on the journal website. The publications of the authors who do not send the signed Copyright Form will not be evaluated.

The manuscript, excluding the references section, must be scanned using the "iThenticate" or "Turnitin" programs. The similarity ratio result received from the relevant program must be uploaded to system in PDF format. It is expected that similarity ratio is not more than 10%.


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